EEGs and Ellen D


So the last month has been, eh, maybe a little concerning. Met with a new neurologist [love her] and after a complete 21 year history rundown I’ve spent dealing [and most days just coping] with migraines, she ordered a few tests to be run.

One cleared me of any tumors, cysts, or strokes. 🙌🏼

The other. That’s another story. “It’s not good. But it’s not bad,” she says and proceeds to go into detail. I’ll be trying a daily preventative. I’m not jazzed about it, but I need to see what this can do. 

Today I am thankful for doctors that care. That are knowledgeable and want the best for their patients. I am thankful for family and friends who’ve been praying for answers and a healthy recovery. ❤️ And thankful to my girls for traveling 2 states alongside me the last two days on this journey to finding answers. Today, I am simply thankful. 

This post has nothing to do with Ellen D. Yes, that Ellen. Just want to give a shout out and for each of us to pay it forward today and everyday.

Still learning. Still growing.  
